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Sunday, July 28, 2019

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Best Lisp for software development?

Ask HN: Best Lisp for software development?
22 by foobar123321 | 10 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HNers, I've built a lot of software in Python and Ruby over the years and recently, I've become interested in Lisp but am unsure which Lisp/Scheme variant to learn for building production grade software. Ideally, I would like to learn the most modern one i.e. robust package management, tooling, ecosystem, etc. Really the main requirement is that I would like to be able to build production ready software with a Lisp that I can use at and for my company. I've looked into Clojure and like a lot about it, but don't want to have to dig into the Java world. Is there any alternative out there? Any suggestions are appreciated :)


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