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Friday, February 19, 2021

New top story on Hacker News: Logging into Gmail on Chrome links my Google Account to the browser

Logging into Gmail on Chrome links my Google Account to the browser
19 by princevegeta89 | 20 comments on Hacker News.
This annoying UX issue has been existing for a few years now; why does Google do nothing about it? I know they're mining data from Google Accounts and get more value if I am logged in. However the UX aspect of it seems to be horrendous. Two scenarios that bother me: - I link my account to Chrome. If I unlink my account, and simply login to Gmail in the future, it automatically links the account back to Chrome - I link my account X to Chrome. Later, I sign into another account Y. When I am done with Y, I logout from my Gmail which has "Y", this automatically signs me out of X, and instantly unlinks X. Such an annoying UX. Is it time to say goodbye to Chrome in favor of Brave, Vivaldi, etc. ?


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