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Saturday, August 6, 2022

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: More “experimental“ UIs for editing/writing code?

Ask HN: More “experimental“ UIs for editing/writing code?
7 by capableweb | 7 comments on Hacker News.
There is a bunch of editors with the traditional model of inserting text with the keyboard, arrows move the cursor around, you click around in menus/using hotkeys to perform actions (Visual Studio Code, Atom, Eclipse). Then there is the "modal" editors that have different modes where you can switch between for example "editing" or "movement" modes, and what your keyboard controls depends on the mode you're in (editors like Vim). Otherwise there is also very interactive and extensible editors, where eval basically lives within/together with the editor (Emacs, LightTable) Otherwise, most editors fit in somewhere along those lines. But what other editors is there out there that have something really different for editing/writing code? Things that come to mind is "editors" like Scratch where you aren't really "editing" code with your keyboard, but moving things around instead. Or, if I imagine I'd create a editor for programming controlled by a joystick, what kind of UI and UX would that editor have?


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