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Saturday, June 8, 2024

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: I wrote a partial re-implementation of DirectMusic

Show HN: I wrote a partial re-implementation of DirectMusic
6 by lmichaelis | 0 comments on Hacker News.
DirectMusic[1] is a deprecated Windows API for playing dynamic music scores authored using DirectMusic Producer[2]. It was originally released as part of DirectX in 1999 and discontinued with the release in Windows Vista around 2009-ish. Due to my involvement with projects[3] re-implementing an old game engine for the early 2000's games Gothic and Gothic II[4], I came to notice that existing solutions[5] were incorrect and hard to use. Thus, I was tasked with writing a new, correct re-implementation of the API. Today, my re-implementation is able to (mostly) play back so-called style-based segments[6] and is fully tested against both the Gothic and Gothic II soundtracks. I am actively working on getting the Lego Island 2 soundtrack working as well. There are many features of DirectMusic which the library does not currently support, simply because I have not been able to find or test soundtracks using them, so if you want to contribute, I'd love to know about software shipping with DirectMusic soundtracks! [1]: https://ift.tt/gpMLmeA [2]: https://ift.tt/kcNHqxr... [3]: Specifically GothicVR ( https://ift.tt/Sj0rvP5 ) and OpenGothic ( https://ift.tt/gwPov45 ) through my ZenKit library ( https://ift.tt/Y6BhLGn ) [4]: https://ift.tt/KyfPC2g [5]: There is libdmusic ( https://ift.tt/ikyYLb1 ) which is unmaintained and an embedded implementation in OpenGothic ( https://ift.tt/gwPov45 ) [6]: https://ift.tt/ag7W9l0...



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